Visit Maharashtra Nature Park..
16/11/19, Maharashtra Nature Park , Mahim- A visit was organised by Club. Incharge Teacher Mrs Zarina M Shaikh- along with Three teachers named Mrs Najma Shaikh, Mrs Naaz Parveen, Ms Saba Khan & 70 Students Visited the Nature Park.Nature Park guide Incharge - Mrs Sarita Achreker & Ms Kiran Sharma gave Introduction of Nature Park through short film & also introduced Dr Salim Ali the founder of Nature Park. Both of them had given good information about the trees. Students were taken keen interest in listening information.Also students bought plants for their own.
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D/S, Wishing you a Happy Children's Day. May your dreams come true. Best regards from Teachers non teaching staff, Mrs Jabeen n Principal-MIJ, Bandra.
Wishing good health, more wealth, peace, fame, love, in your life... Happy Diwali.
D/P of Std IX n X, U r requested to kindly attend your daughter's open house at the school today at 10.00am. Principal Anjuman Islam Bandra
D/P,We are starting with daily attendance sms from std 5th to 10th, in case you have received a wrong sms though your child is present in school, plz do not panic. Kindly contact school office to verify- MIJ School, Bandra.
D/P, Base line exam for Urdu subject will be conducted today. Attendance compulsory.(Std: 5th-8th)-Principal-MIJ Bandra.
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